Thursday, February 3, 2011

That Intoxicating Stench

When I worked in a bakery for three years, the most common (and annoying) question people asked was "Oh my!  How do you stay so slim working here with that smell?  If I worked here I'd weigh two hundred pounds!"  As much as we wanted to answer, "Well, ma'am, it's because we all have terrible eating disorders" the real answer was much more boring.  Your nose got so used to it that after about the first twenty minutes you really didn't smell anything anymore.  That and inhaling that much butter sometimes gives you the same gross "I ate too much chocolate" feeling you get after a junk binge that it kind of makes you just want to eat carrot sticks.

Through the last month of trying to eat healthy, it's always a struggle when I pass by a Starbucks, or waffle place, or the pastry shop right by the subway entrance when I go to work.  It smells so good sometimes and I'm always tempted to just treat myself and indulge.  That leads to my brain and tastebuds arguing furiously, which is never good.  Usually my brain grumpily wins by reminding myself that I'd feel gross after I finished eating it.

Which has lead me to an amazing new mentality- appreciating smells, indulging myself in them fully, but not having to eat them or make myself feel bad.  Now when I pass by the bakery I stop and have a nice inhale.  I think, "Mmm...what a delightful smell.  I'm glad I get the chance to enjoy the smell."  Then I don't connect enjoying the smell with feeling obligated to eat it or be miserable.

I know, it seems like such a stupid and obvious conclusion, but it's really helpful.  I don't think people appreciate smells on their own the same way most animals do, because so much of what we taste is because of what we smell.  But taking the time to separate them in my head has really helped keep me happy and sane.

If only all those regular customers had known the same tricks ;)

Week 5!

Well, I'm into week 5, which is pretty impressive.  I remember when I was deciding to do this that I figured if I could work out regularly for 6 weeks straight I would be solidly into the habit.  I think that's about accurate.  I'm really starting to get used to the routine, and I'm really proud that this is the longest I've gone consecutively exercising regularly. 

I weighed myself at the end of week 4, and I was only down 1lb (compared to 2.5lbs for the end of week 2).  It was good, though, because I knew I hadn't worked out as much or eaten quite as well so it's nice that my body is responding to how hard I try.  And the important thing is that I did lose some weight and didn't gain anything.

Anyway, I don't want to obsess over numbers because that's not really why I'm doing this.  Still, it's cool that there are tangible results from doing this. 

I definitely haven't been cooking as much, but thank goodness for being a vegetarian.  A quick or lazy dinner for me is a tofurkey sausage that has 12g of protein and 1g of fat and tons of B12 and 100 calories, plus a whack of vegetables.  Smoothies have also been a delightful breakfast or dinner on nights I come home late and don't want to bother making something huge.  Also, it'll get better in the summer when I have more time, daylight, and inclination to go outside.  Plus I'll start biking in about 4-6 weeks, which will be really refreshing.

Let's see if I can make it nicely to the 6-week mark :D