Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 5!

Well, I'm into week 5, which is pretty impressive.  I remember when I was deciding to do this that I figured if I could work out regularly for 6 weeks straight I would be solidly into the habit.  I think that's about accurate.  I'm really starting to get used to the routine, and I'm really proud that this is the longest I've gone consecutively exercising regularly. 

I weighed myself at the end of week 4, and I was only down 1lb (compared to 2.5lbs for the end of week 2).  It was good, though, because I knew I hadn't worked out as much or eaten quite as well so it's nice that my body is responding to how hard I try.  And the important thing is that I did lose some weight and didn't gain anything.

Anyway, I don't want to obsess over numbers because that's not really why I'm doing this.  Still, it's cool that there are tangible results from doing this. 

I definitely haven't been cooking as much, but thank goodness for being a vegetarian.  A quick or lazy dinner for me is a tofurkey sausage that has 12g of protein and 1g of fat and tons of B12 and 100 calories, plus a whack of vegetables.  Smoothies have also been a delightful breakfast or dinner on nights I come home late and don't want to bother making something huge.  Also, it'll get better in the summer when I have more time, daylight, and inclination to go outside.  Plus I'll start biking in about 4-6 weeks, which will be really refreshing.

Let's see if I can make it nicely to the 6-week mark :D

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