Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It Starts Before You Get Home

So I know this is going to sound obvious, but I've figured out how people manage to eat healthy.

They don't buy unhealthy food.

I've already come to grips with the fact that I have very little self-control around junk food, so I've resigned myself to not allowing any of it in my house (well, in my part of the fridge and pantry).  I know that I won't be depriving myself entirely, because there will be enough times where I go out and eat not-so-good foods or when I'm over at someone's house and eat (*gasp!*) a handful of chips or some cookies.  That way when I do break from the healthiness a little, it's not that big of a deal.

Par example, we had a pizza party at choir last night.  I had two party sized pieces (I guess the equivalent of 1 1/2 regular pieces) but I didn't let myself stuff my face.  And then I went grocery shopping and only got produce, tofu, milk, yogurt, and beans.  And it will be a delightful bean salad day :)

Still keeping up with my exercise routine.  Seeing results on the scale is definitely the best motivator to keep going (that and seeing the automatic withdrawl on my bank statement).

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